Coming Soon: Male Birth Control Pill Found to Be 99% Effective in Mice, Human Trials to Begin Later This Year

Coming Soon: Male Birth Control Pill Found to Be 99% Effective in Mice, Human Trials to Begin Later This Year
Coming Soon: Male Birth Control Pill Found to Be 99% Effective in Mice, Human Trials to Begin Later This Year (Image: Screenshot/YouTube/CBS Miami)

Scientists revealed encouraging new discoveries on a contraceptive that apparently has shown safe and effective on mice, suggesting that a male birth control pill could be available soon. Human clinical trials are expected to begin this year.

According to University of Minnesota researchers, the medication did not attack testosterone and even reduced the chance of undesired side effects such as gaining weight and depression.

“Most female birth control pills work on the female sex hormones,” said Abdullah al Noman in a presentation posted to YouTube on March 23. “Targeting the male sex hormone leads to a lot of side effects such as weight gain, depression and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.” 

He continued, “Men are less willing to take a birth control pill that has significant side effects. That’s why we are targeting a non-hormonal pathway to developing a male birth control pill.”

The contraceptive tackles a protein that assists in the production of a type of vitamin that contributes to the creation of sperm. However, researchers discovered that cutting out this particular protein rendered the mice infertile. The pill significantly lowered the mice’s sperm production, preventing conception by 99% while causing no obvious negative effects. When the male mice were taken off the drug, they became reproductive four to six weeks later.

“Of course, you have to be careful with this analysis because they are mice and not humans, but nevertheless the effect was very, very promising,” said Gunda Georg, Ph.D., one of the lead researchers. 

For the time being, the only contraceptive option open to guys is condoms or a vasectomy. However, experts have been striving for years to bring male birth control to the marketplace.



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