Mississippi Elementary Assistant Principal Fired After Reading ‘I Need A New Butt’ to 2nd Grade Class

Mississippi Elementary Assistant Principal Fired After Reading 'I Need A New Butt' to 2nd Grade Class
Mississippi Elementary Assistant Principal Fired After Reading 'I Need A New Butt' to 2nd Grade Class (Images: Screenshot/YouTube/WJTV)

An assistant principal was fired last week after reading the children’s book “I Need a NEW BUTT!” to a class and he has no idea why.

Toby Price, the Assistant Principal of Gary Road Elementary School, was dismissed last week after reading a children’s book to a class of 2nd graders, according to WLBT.

“My boss had asked me to set up a Zoom with the second grade classes and the principal at the school they’re going to be at next year and she was going to read to them. And she didn’t show,” Price said. “My boss told me ‘Go ahead and read.’ I grabbed one of my favorite books that I had nearby, I read it to them. It’s a funny, silly book.”

Price stated that he had actually read the book in prior school districts and had never received any blowback or people complaining.

“I didn’t hesitate to read it because I’d never had a problem with it before.” There are other books with far more suggestive content that are far more widely accepted,” Price explained.

According to Price’s termination letter from the superintendent of the Hinds County School District, by selecting the book, he demonstrated “a lack of professionalism and impaired judgment,” and for those factors, he is fired.

The local outlet requested a statement from the school district regarding Price’s dismissal, but the superintendent refused to comment.

“I just think that, you know, this was a pretty harsh reaction. I’ve been in education for 20 years. I’ve never had a disciplinary anything put in my file and I didn’t for being late. So I was blown away,” Price said.

Children’s book authors, educators, and librarians have emailed and shared on social media in reaction to Price’s predicament, declaring that the book is quote “hilarious and sweet, “joyful and fun,” and “lighthearted,” and that the superintendent’s ruling was completely inaccurate.

Price is now hoping to reverse their decision, reclaim his job, and teach others why funny books are important in education.


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